Bundled by Yann


L'ensemble des articles que je sauvegarde et lis dans Readwise. Tous ont un rapport avec l'IA mais beaucoup concernent le domaine de l'éducation également.

What's included

Une IA québécoise pour aider les enseignants à corriger

Questions from my son and the future of work

Will Chatbots Teach Your Children?

Signs and Portents

Generative AI: Transforming education into a personalized, addictive learning experience

How Isaac Asimov Predicted the OpenAI Drama

The History of Artificial Intelligence

Navigating the Artificial Intelligence Revolution in Schools

ChatGPT : La technique du "Curseur" pour des réponses sur mesure

AI can do your homework. Now what?

Les bibliothécaires au temps des IA

AI and the Rise of Mediocrity

9 Tips for Using AI for Learning (and Fun!)

À l’école de l’intelligence artificielle

7 ways to use AI in the classroom (with prompts)

People are speaking with ChatGPT for hours, bringing 2013’s Her closer to reality

Artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT to be allowed in Australian schools from 2024

A boy saw 17 doctors over 3 years for chronic pain. ChatGPT found the right diagnosis

Signal’s Meredith Whittaker: AI is fundamentally ‘a surveillance technology’

Can AI create effective learning tools for students?

Teachers Are Going All In on Generative AI

ChatGPT Has a Big Privacy Problem

The Creative Ways Teachers Are Using ChatGPT in the Classroom

Et ravive les craintes sur le virage à un Internet global piloté sur le modèle chinois

How Bot Teachers Will Disrupt and Improve Education

Hong Kong rolls out first AI curriculum for junior secondary students, including lessons on ChatGPT, with ‘lives definitely affected by artificial intelligence’

What Educators Think About Using AI in Schools

4 Charts That Show Why AI Progress Is Unlikely to Slow Down

De l’argile au code informatique

Why AI detectors think the US Constitution was written by AI

On holding back the strange AI tide

University students are using AI, but not how you think

Massive Disruption Now: What AI Means for Students, Educators, Administrators and Accreditation Boards

How to Use AI to Do Stuff: An Opinionated Guide

My A.I. Writing Robot

China mandates that AI must follow “core values of socialism” - The Verge

AI likely to spell end of traditional school classroom, leading expert says

Yes, AI could profoundly disrupt education. But maybe that’s not a bad thing

Harvard is using ChatGPT to teach computer science

ChatGPT Is Making Universities Rethink Plagiarism

ChatGPT : comment l’Éducation nationale prépare la démocratisation de l’IA en classe

AI-text detection tools are really easy to fool

The Homework Apocalypse

Is critical thinking the answer to generative AI?

Incorporating AI in Learning Assessments: A Guided Pathway

Fred Turner : « Intellectuellement, ChatGPT est totalement inintéressant »

IA : “Il faut former toutes les générations à ne pas subir cette déferlante technologique” - Interview croisée Learning Planet Institute

Vygotsky, language, intelligence and AI

Yes, ChatGPT Is Coming for Your Office Job

The AI Assessment Scale: From no AI to full AI

An Eating Disorder Chatbot Is Suspended for Giving Harmful Advice

You’re Probably Underestimating AI Chatbots

IA : les doutes tardifs des pères de l’apprentissage profond

Why Is My Attitude Towards Generative AI Different From Previous AI in Education?

The Use of AI-Detection Tools in the Assessment of Student Work

The Five Pathologies of EdTech Discourse About Generative AI

AI, the WGA Strike, and What Luddites Got Right

Readying Students for the AI Revolution

ChatGPT in Education: The Pros, Cons and Unknowns of Generative AI

Yuval Noah Harari argues that AI has hacked the operating system of human civilisation

Let ChatGPT Be Your Teaching Assistant

A guide to prompting AI (for what it is worth)

Auto-GPT May Be The Strong AI Tool That Surpasses ChatGPT

11 Tips to Take Your ChatGPT Prompts to the Next Level

How to cite ChatGPT

ChatGPT is going to change education, not destroy it

Quand les humanités font face à l’Intelligence Artificielle

The Future of Education: Embracing ChatGPT or Facing Chaos?

The ChatGPT King Isn’t Worried, but He Knows You Might Be

The future of education in a world of AI

«Comme une drogue dans laquelle il se réfugiait» : ce que l’on sait du suicide d’un Belge ayant discuté avec une intelligence artificielle

ChatGPT et évaluation des apprentissages : quels enjeux?

ChatGPT : Sciences Po fixe des règles et lance une réflexion sur l'IA dans l'enseignement supérieur

'He Would Still Be Here': Man Dies by Suicide After Talking with AI Chatbot, Widow Says

Scientists Increasingly Can’t Explain How AI Works

If We Don’t Master A.I., It Will Master Us

The Age of AI has begun | Bill Gates

What AI Can Tell Us About Intelligence

Intelligence artificielle : l'UNESCO appelle les gouvernements à mettre en œuvre sans délai le cadre éthique mondial

The problem with artificial intelligence? It’s not artificial or intelligent

The criminal use of ChatGPT – a cautionary tale about large language models

"Godfather of artificial intelligence" weighs in on the past and potential of AI

Artificial intelligence 'godfather' on AI possibly wiping out humanity: ‘It's not inconceivable’

AI risk ≠ AGI risk

Google engineer Blake Lemoine thinks its LaMDA AI has come to life - The Washington Post

What Makes A.I. Chatbots Go Wrong?

How Does ChatGPT Really Work?

The Man Who Would Teach Machines to Think

5 ways GPT-4 outsmarts ChatGPT

Un professeur de l’Outaouais veut démontrer l’utilité pédagogique de ChatGPT

Leveraging ChatGPT: Practical Ideas for Educators

Noam Chomsky: The False Promise of ChatGPT

The inside story of how ChatGPT was built from the people who made it

Artificial intelligence in IB assessment and education: a crisis or an opportunity?

'Prompt engineering' is one of the hottest jobs in generative AI. Here's how it works.

The Shifting Educational Landscape: Chat GPT

Will ChatGPT supplant us as writers, thinkers?

The future of AI is a conversation with a computer - The Verge

What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?

Chatbot GPT and The End of High School English (Daniel Herman)

ChatGPT Can't Kill Anything Worth Preserving

The inventor of the web thinks everyone will have their own personal A.I. assistants like ChatGPT

My class required AI. Here's what I've learned so far.

15 AI tools for the classroom

"Bloom, l’intelligence artificielle made in France n’a rien à envier à ChatGPT"

A short introduction to machine learning

Refik Anadol Unsupervised

Bien mal en point, un livre de 2000 ans reconstitué par l'IA

L’intelligence artificielle au quotidien : quelle position pour l’enseignant.e ?

ChatGPT : le plagiat n’est que l’arbre qui cache la forêt

Our Obsession with Cheating is Ruining Our Relationship with Students

When Robots Take All of Our Jobs, Remember the Luddites

AI-generated art sparks furious backlash from Japan’s anime community


Une compréhension critique de ChatGPT

Après quatre mois de workshops dans les écoles de design utilisant les intelligences artificielles!

L'enseignement supérieur et les IA génératives : analyse critique de la situation autour de ChatGPT

Teaching Students to Write with AI: The SPACE Framework

The CEO Behind ChatGPT Says Schools Need to Get Over Their Cheating Fears. Some Experts Agree.

How to... use ChatGPT to boost your writing

Guide de l’enseignant L’usage de ChatGPT « ce qui marche le mieux »

All my classes suddenly became AI classes

How Smart Are the Robots Getting?

The ChatGPT Maelstrom

ChatGPT’s Fluent BS Is Compelling Because Everything Is Fluent BS

The AI Magic Show

Exclusive: OpenAI Used Kenyan Workers on Less Than $2 Per Hour to Make ChatGPT Less Toxic

ChatGPT ou Perplexity ? Duel d’IA sur un cas pratique

49 Exemples de cas d'usage pour découvrir GPT3

La belle histoire de l'IA adolescente de Microsoft devenue nazie en moins de 24h

DeepMind AI has discovered the structure of nearly every protein known to science

Alarmed by A.I. Chatbots, Universities Start Revamping How They Teach

Detectors for “AI-Written Prose” Are Here

ChatGPT: Everything you need to know about OpenAI's GPT-3 tool

Risques et opportunités de l'Intelligence artificielle à l'école (Chat GPT et autres)

Teachers: read these articles to learn about Chat GPT

What is the Turing test? And are we all doomed now?

OpenAI’s attempts to watermark AI text hit limits

How to... use AI to teach some of the hardest skills

Prompting Explained: How to talk to ChatGPT

An AI that can "write" is feeding delusions about how smart artificial intelligence really is

l'IA en éducation, les choses sérieuses commencent ?

ChatGPT, logico-maths et pédagogie

“écris moi un programme en Python pour demander à GPT-3 de résumer un article sur la base d’un lien qu’on lui envoie”

OpenAI GPT-3: Everything You Need to Know

What Will ChatGPT Mean for Teaching?

Le ChatBot Mi-IA, Mi-Assistant Omniscient ! (& Comment Bien l'Utiliser ?)

Qu'est-ce que GPT-3 ? Tout ce que votre entreprise doit savoir sur le programme de langage d'IA d'OpenAI

Opinion We asked an AI bot hundreds of questions. Here’s what we learned.

10 AI Predictions For 2023

OpenAI invites everyone to test ChatGPT, a new AI-powered chatbot—with amusing results

New AI tools that can write student essays require educators to rethink teaching and assessment

OpenAI founder warns against ChatGPT use for important matters

How to spot AI-generated text

ChatGPT: Its Nothing, You Don’t Need It. And We’ll Have It In Six Months.

What the history of AI tells us about its future

No, the Essay Isn’t Dead

Quand l’intelligence artificielle met l’art en danger

On Bullshit, And AI-Generated Prose