This story is part of Nature’s 10, an annual list compiled by Nature’s editors exploring key developments in science and the individuals who contributed to them.

While temperatures soared and wildfires raged through the forests of Greece this July, Eleni Myrivili watched with horror from her home in Athens. “This is the type of devastation that you can’t really replace,” she says. “And this is clearly a catastrophe that we are responsible for.”

Myrivili, a former deputy mayor of Athens, now has a global role working to mitigate the catastrophic impacts of the warming climate. She is the first United Nations chief heat officer — and has a remit to keep people cool as the planet boils.

This July broke unofficial records for the hottest average global temperatures on a single day and month, and 2023 will almost certainly be the hottest year on record by the end of December. That extreme heat is taking a deadly toll. As just one example, a paper published in July estimated that heatwaves in Europe in 2022 killed more than 61,000 people between the end of May and early September, with Italy, Greece and Spain seeing the highest heat-related mortality rates (J. Ballester et al. Nature Med. 29, 1857–1866; 2023).
今年七月打破了全球平均气温在单日和整月的非官方最热记录,而且2023年几乎肯定会在12月底成为有记录以来最热的一年。这种极端高温正在造成致命的影响。举一个例子,一篇发表于七月的论文估计,2022年欧洲的热浪从五月底到九月初导致超过61,000人死亡,意大利、希腊和西班牙的与热相关的死亡率最高(J. Ballester等人,《自然医学》杂志,第29卷,第1857-1866页;2023年)。

Myrivili’s focus on heat is a long way from the start of her career as a cultural anthropologist. She got a PhD studying immigration, violence and borderlands, specializing in the region where Albania, North Macedonia and Greece meet. She then started teaching at the University of the Aegean in Μytilene, Greece. In summer 2007, parts of the country ignited in flames and much of Parnis National Park near Athens burned. “All of us who work in climate change have these moments where you kind of wake up to the reality of climate change,” she says. “For me, it was 2007.”

Angered by the lack of information and advice about the fires, Myrivili decided to go into politics. After a stint working with a Greek green political party, she read the 2013 book If Mayors Ruled the World by Benjamin R. Barber and decided to pivot to city government.

Taking various positions in Athens’s government, she worked to infuse climate resilience and planning across city departments. When she became head of the parks department, she changed her title to chief of urban nature, resilience and climate-change adaptation to underscore what she saw as her focus. In 2021, she was named chief heat officer for Athens in a wave of such appointments in various cities, organized by the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht–Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center in Washington DC.

To raise awareness of deadly weather patterns, Myrivili kicked off the practice in Greece of naming heatwaves. She also worked to secure funding for climate initiatives; in 2018, her team landed a €5-million loan (US$5.9 million at the time) from the European Investment Bank for climate-adaptation projects, including planting green spaces in Athens.

Myrivili’s hard work and connections made her effective at gaining traction in city government, says Elissavet Bargianni, who succeeded Myrivili as the Athens chief heat officer earlier this year. “A lot of people have trust in her,” Bargianni says. “She can take something that may seem impossible and find a way to make it possible.”

Now, Myrivili is focused on raising awareness of extreme heat at the global level, and on securing money for projects through the auspices of UN Habitat, the programme that works towards making cities sustainable. That includes a global-cooling pledge introduced at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai this month. It aims to support the development and roll-out of cooling technologies that do not add to greenhouse-gas emissions.
现在,Myrivili 正专注于在全球范围内提高对极端高温的认识,并通过联合国人居署的支持为项目筹集资金,该计划致力于使城市可持续发展。这包括在本月迪拜举行的COP28气候会议上引入的全球降温承诺。其目的是支持开发和推广不增加温室气体排放的降温技术。

Just don’t mention air conditioning to Myrivili, who hates it for its climate impacts. But during a heatwave in 2021, she finally bought a small air-conditioning unit for her bedroom. “I still hate it,” she says.

And yet the use of air conditioners is only going to grow as temperatures climb. That’s one of the reasons Myrivili was at the Dubai climate negotiations that are trying to stop the world from burning — and aiming to prepare for what’s to come.

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