As the end of the year approaches, here is a look back at some of the major news events and moments of 2023. Hamas militants launched a surprise attack in southern Israel, followed by thousands of Israeli air strikes in Gaza; a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon was shot down over the U.S.; extreme weather events affected people around the world; a devastating earthquake struck parts of Turkey and Syria; and much more. Here, we present the top 25 news photos of 2023. Be sure to check back throughout the week for more comprehensive stories, presented as “2023: The Year in Photos, Parts 1, 2, & 3.”

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  • A Palestinian man mourns as civil-defense teams and residents search for people trapped under the debris of a demolished building following Israeli air strikes that hit the Al-Shati refugee camp, in Gaza City, Gaza, on October 24, 2023. In early October, Israel declared war on Hamas following the surprise attacks by Hamas militants on October 7 that left 1,200 people dead in Israel and more than 200 taken hostage. In the weeks since, more than 15,000 Palestinians have been killed in the subsequent hostilities, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, and more than 1 million have been displaced. #
    一名巴勒斯坦男子在加沙城的Al-Shati难民营,为在以色列空袭后被摧毁的建筑物废墟下寻找被困人员的民防队伍和居民搜寻时哀悼。2023年10月24日,以色列在加沙地带进行了空袭。10月初,以色列在哈马斯10月7日的突袭行动中宣战,该行动导致以色列1200人死亡,200多人被劫持。根据加沙卫生部的数据,自那以后的几周内,随后的敌对行动中已有超过15000名巴勒斯坦人死亡,超过100万人流离失所。# Ali Jadallah / Anadolu / Getty
    阿里·贾达拉赫 / 安纳多卢 / 盖蒂
  • A man talks on his phone as he looks through the haze at the George Washington Bridge from Fort Lee, New Jersey, on June 7, 2023. Intense Canadian wildfires blanketed the northeastern U.S. in a dystopian smog, turning the air acrid and the sky yellowish-gray, and prompting warnings for vulnerable populations to stay inside.
    一个男人在新泽西州的福特李通过雾霾看着乔治华盛顿大桥,一边在电话里说话,时间是2023年6月7日。加拿大的剧烈森林火灾使美国东北部笼罩在一片反乌托邦的烟雾中,空气变得刺鼻,天空呈现出黄灰色,迫使脆弱群体留在室内。# Seth Wenig / AP
    塞斯·韦尼格 / 美联社
  • Sam Bankman-Fried, a co-founder of FTX Cryptocurrency Derivatives Exchange, departs from court in New York City on February 16, 2023. In November, a federal court jury found Bankman-Fried guilty on seven charges of conspiracy and fraud. He is scheduled to be sentenced in March, and could face more than 100 years in prison.
    FTX加密货币衍生品交易所联合创始人萨姆·班克曼-弗里德于2023年2月16日离开纽约市的法庭。去年11月,联邦法院陪审团裁定班克曼-弗里德七项共谋和欺诈罪名成立。他预计将于3月份接受判决,可能面临超过100年的监禁。# Stephanie Keith / Bloomberg / Getty
    斯蒂芬妮·基思 / 彭博社 / 盖蒂
  • Miguel Angel and Aurelio Perez Montiel sit on horseback with an American flag at the Festival Monarca, which was held for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic, on September 24, 2023, in Perris, California. The festival celebrates Mexican Independence Day and the Day of the Mexican Cowboy and Cowgirl while honoring the local immigrant community.
    米格尔·安吉尔和奥雷利奥·佩雷斯·蒙蒂尔骑在马背上,手持美国国旗,在2023年9月24日加利福尼亚州佩里斯举行的蒙纳卡节上。这是自冠状病毒大流行以来该节日首次举行。该节日庆祝墨西哥独立日和墨西哥牛仔与牛女节,同时向当地移民社区表示敬意。# Mario Tama / Getty
    马里奥·塔玛 / 盖蒂
  • Tara Davis-Woodhall, of Team USA, celebrates after competing in the women's long-jump final during the World Athletics Championships at the National Athletics Center in Budapest, Hungary, on August 20, 2023. Davis-Woodhall won second place.
    美国队的塔拉·戴维斯-伍德霍尔在2023年8月20日于匈牙利布达佩斯国家田径中心举行的世界田径锦标赛女子跳远决赛后庆祝。戴维斯-伍德霍尔赢得了第二名。# Andrej Isakovic / AFP / Getty
    安德烈·伊萨科维奇 / 法新社 / 盖蒂
  • Representative Justin Jones reenters the house chamber following his reinstatement, days after the Republican-majority Tennessee House of Representatives voted to expel him and another Democratic member, Representative Justin Pearson, for their roles in a gun-control demonstration on the statehouse floor, at the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee, on April 10, 2023. #
    代表贾斯汀·琼斯在被重新任命后重返众议院议事厅,就在几天前,由共和党占多数的田纳西州众议院投票决定将他和另一位民主党成员,代表贾斯汀·皮尔逊,因在田纳西州议会大厦内举行的一次控枪示威中的角色而开除,这一事件发生在2023年4月10日,地点是位于田纳西州纳什维尔的田纳西州议会大厦。# Cheney Orr / Reuters
    陈尼·奥尔 / 路透社
  • Many collapsed buildings are seen on February 6, 2023, in Hatay, Turkey, following an earthquake. On February 6, a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck southern Turkey and northwestern Syria, collapsing thousands of buildings and killing nearly 60,000 people.
    2023年2月6日,在土耳其哈塔伊,地震后可以看到许多倒塌的建筑物。2月6日,一场7.8级地震袭击了土耳其南部和叙利亚西北部,导致数千座建筑物倒塌,近6万人死亡。# Erçin Ertürk / Anadolu Agency / Getty
    埃尔钦·埃尔图尔克 / 安纳多卢通讯社 / 盖蒂
  • Mesut Hançer holds the hand of his 15-year-old daughter, Irmak, who died in the earthquake in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, close to the quake's epicenter, the day after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck the country's southeast, on February 7, 2023.
    梅苏特·汉切尔紧握着他15岁女儿伊尔马克的手,伊尔马克在土耳其卡赫拉曼马拉什的地震中不幸遇难,这里靠近地震震中。这是在2023年2月7日,一场7.8级的地震袭击了该国东南部后的第二天。# Adem Altan / AFP / Getty
    阿登·阿尔坦 / 法新社 / 盖蒂
  • "Sphere" lights up for the first time in celebration of Independence Day on July 4, 2023, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The 366-foot-tall, 516-foot-wide venue features an Exosphere with a 580,000-square-foot display, the largest LED screen in the world, and opened to the public in September.
    “Sphere”在2023年7月4日独立日庆祝活动中首次点亮,地点位于内华达州的拉斯维加斯。这个高366英尺、宽516英尺的场馆拥有一个Exosphere,配备了580,000平方英尺的显示屏,是世界上最大的LED屏幕,并于9月份对公众开放。# Greg Doherty / Getty
    格雷格·多尔蒂 / 盖蒂
  • A U.S. Air Force U-2 pilot takes a selfie while looking down at the suspected Chinese surveillance balloon as it floats over the central continental United States on February 3, 2023, in this photo released by the U.S. Air Force on February 22, 2023. The balloon was shot down by the Air Force off the coast of South Carolina.
    一名美国空军U-2飞行员在2023年2月3日拍摄了一张自拍照,照片中他正俯瞰疑似中国监视气球在美国中部大陆上空飘浮的情况。这张照片由美国空军在2023年2月22日发布。该气球后来被空军在南卡罗来纳州海岸外击落。# U.S. Air Force 美国空军
  • On October 14, 2023, the moon passed in front of the sun, producing an annular solar eclipse. NASA’s EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera) imager aboard the orbiting DSCVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory) caught this view of the event, as the moon’s shadow crossed North America.
    2023年10月14日,月球从太阳前经过,形成了一次环形日食。NASA的EPIC(地球多色成像相机)安装在绕轨道运行的DSCVR(深空气候观测站)上,捕捉到了这一事件的景象,当时月影穿过了北美洲。# DSCOVR EPIC Team / NASA
    DSCOVR EPIC团队 / 美国宇航局
  • A rider gallops with a lance during the traditional San Juan festival in the town of Ciutadella, on the island of Menorca, Spain, on June 24, 2023.
    一名骑手在西班牙梅诺卡岛上的城市慈达德拉,2023年6月24日举行的传统圣胡安节期间,手持长矛疾驰。# Jaime Reina / AFP / Getty
    杰米·雷纳 / 法新社 / 盖蒂
  • A man takes a photo of dead people strewn across a road following an attack by Hamas gunmen from the Gaza Strip, in the Sderot area of southern Israel on October 7, 2023.
    一名男子在2023年10月7日,拍摄了一张照片,照片中展示了在以色列南部城市斯德罗特地区,哈马斯武装分子从加沙地带发动袭击后,多人死亡的尸体散落在道路上的情景。# Ammar Awad / Reuters
    阿玛尔·阿瓦德 / 路透社
  • A missile explodes in Gaza City during an Israeli air strike on October 8, 2023, the day Israel formally declared war on Hamas. #
    Mahmud Hams / AFP / Getty
    马哈茂德·哈姆斯 / 法新社 / 盖蒂
  • Injured people gather in Al-Shifa Hospital as Israeli attacks continue in Gaza City on October 23, 2023. According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, more than 6,000 children have been killed in Gaza since October 7.
    受伤人员在以色列继续在加沙城发动攻击之际,于2023年10月23日聚集在阿尔希法医院。根据加沙卫生部的数据,自10月7日以来,已有超过6000名儿童在加沙被杀。# Belal Khaled / Anadolu / Getty
    贝拉尔·哈立德 / 安纳多卢 / 盖蒂
  • The Kibbutz Nir Oz resident Hadas Kalderon, whose children were taken hostage, and her mother and niece killed, breaks down in tears while looking through the burned-out home of her late mother, Rina Sutzkever, on October 30, 2023, in Kibbutz Nir Oz, Israel. In late November, Kalderon's children were released as part of a hostage-and-prisoner exchange that took place between Israel and Hamas, after they were held for nearly two months. # Dan Kitwood / Getty
    丹·基特伍德 / 盖蒂
  • Anti-war protesters raise their "bloody" hands behind U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on President Biden's $106 billion national-security supplemental-funding request to support Israel and Ukraine, as well as bolster border security, on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on October 31, 2023.
    反战抗议者在美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯参加的参议院拨款委员会听证会上,举起他们“血腥”的手。听证会讨论的是拜登总统提出的1060亿美元国家安全补充资金请求,用于支持以色列和乌克兰,以及加强边境安全,在华盛顿特区的国会山,时间是2023年10月31日。# Kevin Lamarque / Reuters
    凯文·拉马克 / 路透社
  • A child in a school bus weeps while leaving the Covenant School following a mass shooting, in Nashville, Tennessee, on March 27, 2023. Seven people, including the shooter, were killed in the attack.
    2023年3月27日,在田纳西州纳什维尔的盟约学校发生大规模枪击事件后,一名孩子在校车上离开时哭泣。包括枪手在内的七人在这次袭击中丧生。# Nicole Hester / USA Today Network / Reuters
    妮可·赫斯特 / 美国今日网络 / 路透社
  • A large inflatable mannequin depicts the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama decorating the French luxury brand Louis Vuitton's flagship store on the Champs-Élysées avenue in Paris, France, on January 13, 2023.
    2023年1月13日,在法国巴黎香榭丽舍大道上,一个巨大的充气人体模型描绘了日本艺术家草间弥生装饰法国奢侈品牌路易威登旗舰店的场景。# Emmanuel Dunand / AFP / Getty
    埃马纽埃尔·杜南 / 法新社 / 盖蒂图片社
  • Javier Milei, the presidential candidate from the Liberty Advances coalition, talks to supporters during a campaign rally in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on October 18, 2023, ahead of the general elections set for October 22. Milei went on to win the election, and will be inaugurated on December 10.
    自由进步联盟的总统候选人哈维尔·米莱在2023年10月18日阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的一次竞选集会上对支持者发表讲话,此时距离10月22日的大选仅有几天。米莱随后赢得了选举,并将于12月10日就职。# Natacha Pisarenko / AP
    纳塔莎·皮萨伦科 / 美联社
  • A Ukrainian soldier carries a drone close to the front line near Avdiivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine, on February 17, 2023. Russia's occupying forces spent months fortifying positions they had seized across eastern Ukraine, and were met with a Ukrainian counteroffensive that has been slow and grueling, and has resulted in minimal gains so far. #
    2023年2月17日,在乌克兰顿涅茨克地区阿夫迪夫卡附近的前线,一名乌克兰士兵携带着一架无人机。俄罗斯占领军花了数月时间加固他们在乌克兰东部占领的阵地,遭遇了乌克兰的反攻,这场反攻进展缓慢且艰苦,到目前为止取得的成果微乎其微。# Libkos / AP 利布科斯 / 通讯社
  • Tetiana holds her pet dogs, Tsatsa and Chunya, in her home, which was flooded after the Kakhovka dam blew up overnight, in Kherson, Ukraine, on June 6, 2023. Ukraine accused Russian forces of blowing up the dam and hydroelectric power station, located in a part of southern Ukraine that Russia controls.
    特蒂安娜在她的家中抱着她的宠物狗Tsatsa和Chunya,这个家在卡霍夫卡大坝一夜之间爆炸后被淹没,事发地点在乌克兰赫尔松,时间是2023年6月6日。乌克兰指责俄罗斯军队炸毁了位于俄罗斯控制的乌克兰南部地区的大坝和水电站。# Evgeniy Maloletka / AP
    Evgeniy Maloletka / 美联社
  • The hall of the historic Waiola Church and nearby Lahaina Hongwanji Mission are engulfed in flames along Wainee Street on August 8, 2023, in Lahaina, Hawaii. Wind-driven wildfires burned across much of western Maui, destroying houses and killing approximately 100 people.
    2023年8月8日,在夏威夷拉海纳,历史悠久的Waiola教堂大厅和附近的拉海纳宏万寺沿着Wainee街被大火吞噬。风助火势的野火在毛伊岛西部大面积蔓延,摧毁了许多房屋,大约有100人死亡。# Matthew Thayer / The Maui News / AP
    马修·塞耶 / 毛伊新闻 / 美联社
  • Orange, yellow, and purple wildflowers paint the hills of the Tremblor Range at Carrizo Plain National Monument, near Santa Margarita, California, on April 25, 2023. After years of drought, heavy winter rains created an explosion of wildflowers known as a "superbloom" in Southern and Central California.
    橙色、黄色和紫色的野花在2023年4月25日将加利福尼亚州圣玛格丽塔附近的卡里佐平原国家纪念碑的特伦布洛山脉绘成了一幅画。经过数年的干旱,冬季的大雨在南加州和中加州引发了一场被称为“超级花海”的野花爆发。# Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty
    罗宾·贝克 / 法新社 / 盖蒂
  • A fireman gestures and holds a cat and two rabbits after rescuing them from a fire between the villages of Kiotari and Gennadi, on the Greek island of Rhodes, on July 24, 2023. For more than a week, wildfires raged across Rhodes at the peak of its tourism season, forcing tens of thousands of people to seek shelter or board evacuation flights. #
    2023年7月24日,在希腊罗德岛的Kiotari和Gennadi村庄之间,一名消防员在从火灾中救出一只猫和两只兔子后做出手势。超过一周的时间里,罗德岛在旅游旺季的高峰期遭受野火肆虐,迫使数万人寻求庇护或登上疏散飞机。# Spyros Bakalis / AFP / Getty
    斯皮罗斯·巴卡利斯 / 法新社 / 盖蒂
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