Ilya Sutskever伊利亚·苏茨克弗
איליה סוצקבר‎伊利亚·苏茨克弗
Ilya Sutskever (right) with Sam Altman at Tel Aviv University in 2023
Born出生Илья Суцкевер伊利亚·苏茨克维尔
1985 or 1986 (age 36–38)[4]
1985年或1986年(36-38岁) [4]
Gorky, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union[5][6]
苏联俄罗斯联邦社会主义共和国,高尔基 [5] [6]
Alma mater母校
Known for闻名于AlexNet
Co-founding OpenAI共同创立OpenAI
Scientific career科学事业
Fields领域Machine learning机器学习
Neural networks神经网络
Artificial intelligence人工智能
Deep learning[1]深度学习 [1]
Institutions机构University of Toronto多伦多大学
Stanford University斯坦福大学
Google Brain谷歌大脑
Thesis论文Training Recurrent Neural Networks (2013)
Doctoral advisor博士导师Geoffrey Hinton[2][3]
杰弗里·辛顿 [2] [3]

Ilya Sutskever FRS (Hebrew: איליה סוצקבר; Russian: Илья Суцкевер; born 1985/86)[4] is a Russian-born Israeli-Canadian computer scientist working in machine learning,[1] who co-founded and serves as Chief Scientist of OpenAI.[7]
伊利亚·苏茨克维尔 FRS(希伯来语:איליה סוצקבר;俄语:Илья Суцкевер;出生于1985/86年)是一位在机器学习领域工作的俄罗斯出生的以色列-加拿大计算机科学家,他是OpenAI的联合创始人兼首席科学家。

He has made several major contributions to the field of deep learning. He is the co-inventor, with Alex Krizhevsky and Geoffrey Hinton, of AlexNet, a convolutional neural network.[8] Sutskever is also one of the many co-authors of the AlphaGo paper.[9]
他在深度学习领域做出了几项重大贡献。他与Alex Krizhevsky和Geoffrey Hinton共同发明了一种卷积神经网络AlexNet。苏茨克维尔也是AlphaGo论文的众多合作者之一。

Early life and education早年生活和教育

Sutskever was born in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, then called "Gorky", at the time part of the Soviet Union, and at age 5 immigrated with his family to Israel.[10] He spent his formative years in Jerusalem.[11]
Sutskever出生于俄罗斯的下诺夫哥罗德,当时被称为"戈尔基",那时还是苏联的一部分,他在5岁时与家人移民到以色列。 [10] 他在耶路撒冷度过了他的成长岁月。 [11]

Sutskever attended the Open University of Israel between 2000 and 2002[12] before moving with his family to Canada and transferred to the University of Toronto, where he then obtained his BSc (2005) in mathematics[12][13][6][14]and his MSc[15][13] and PhD[3][16][17] in computer science under the supervision of Geoffrey Hinton.[2]
Sutskever在2000年至2002年间就读于以色列开放大学 [12] ,然后随家人移居加拿大,并转入多伦多大学,在那里他获得了数学学士学位(2005年) [12] [13] [6] [14] ,以及在Geoffrey Hinton的指导下获得的计算机科学硕士 [15] [13] 和博士学位 [3] [16] [17][2]

In 2012, he built AlexNet in collaboration with Hinton and Alex Krizhevsky. To support the computing demands of AlexNet, he bought many GTX 580 GPUs online.[18]
2012年,他与Hinton和Alex Krizhevsky合作建立了AlexNet。为了支持AlexNet的计算需求,他在网上购买了许多GTX 580 GPU。 [18]

Career and research职业和研究

Sutskever (second from right) at the Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2014

After graduation in 2012, Sutskever spent two months as a postdoc with Andrew Ng at Stanford University. He then returned to University of Toronto and joined Hinton's new research company DNNResearch, a spinoff of Hinton's research group. Four months later, in March 2013, Google acquired DNNResearch and hired Sutskever as a research scientist at Google Brain.[19]
2012年毕业后,Sutskever在斯坦福大学与Andrew Ng共度了两个月的博士后生涯。然后他返回多伦多大学,并加入了Hinton的新研究公司DNNResearch,这是Hinton研究小组的一个分支。四个月后,即2013年3月,Google收购了DNNResearch,并聘请Sutskever成为Google Brain的研究科学家。 [19]

At Google Brain, Sutskever worked with Oriol Vinyals and Quoc Viet Le to create the sequence-to-sequence learning algorithm,[20] and worked on TensorFlow.[21]
在Google Brain,Sutskever与Oriol Vinyals和Quoc Viet Le一起创建了序列到序列的学习算法,并参与了TensorFlow的工作。 [20]

At the end of 2015, he left Google to become cofounder and chief scientist of the newly founded organization OpenAI.[22][23][24]
在2015年底,他离开了Google,成为新成立的组织OpenAI的联合创始人和首席科学家。 [22] [23] [24]

In 2023, he announced that he will co-lead OpenAI's new "Superalignment" project, which tries to solve the alignment of superintelligences in 4 years. He wrote that even if superintelligence seems far off, it could happen this decade.[25]

Awards and honours奖项和荣誉

  • 2015, Sutskever was named in MIT Technology Review's 35 Innovators Under 35.[26]
    2015年,Sutskever被《麻省理工科技评论》评为35岁以下的35位创新者之一。 [26]
  • 2018, Sutskever was the keynote speaker at Nvidia Ntech 2018[27] and AI Frontiers Conference 2018.[28]
    2018年,Sutskever在Nvidia Ntech 2018 [27] 和AI前沿会议2018上担任主题演讲者。 [28]
  • 2022, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS).[20]


According to Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, Sutskever was the primary driver behind the November 2023 board meeting that led to Altman's firing and Brockman's resignation from OpenAI.[29][30] The Information reported that the firing in part resulted from a conflict over the extent to which the company should commit to AI safety.[31] In a company all-hands shortly after the board meeting, Sutskever appeared to defend Altman's firing, saying it was a consequence of "the board doing its duty."[31][32] The firing of Altman and resignation of Brockman led to resignation of 3 senior researchers from OpenAI.[33]
根据Sam Altman和Greg Brockman的说法,Sutskever是2023年11月董事会会议的主要推动者,这次会议导致了Altman被解雇和Brockman从OpenAI辞职。《信息》报道称,解雇部分是由于公司应该在多大程度上致力于AI安全的冲突。在董事会会议后不久的一次全体员工会议上,Sutskever似乎为Altman的解雇辩护,称这是“董事会履行职责”的结果。Altman的解雇和Brockman的辞职导致了OpenAI的3位高级研究员辞职。


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Ilya Sutskever publications indexed by Google Scholar
    由Google Scholar索引的Ilya Sutskever的出版物
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b Ilya Sutskever at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
    Ilya Sutskever在数学家谱系项目中
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b Sutskever, Ilya (2013). Training Recurrent Neural Networks. (PhD thesis). University of Toronto. hdl:1807/36012. OCLC 889910425. ProQuest 1501655550.
    Sutskever, Ilya (2013). 训练递归神经网络. (博士论文). 多伦多大学. hdl: 1807/36012. OCLC 889910425. ProQuest 1501655550.
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b Simonite, Tom (18 August 2015). "Ilya Sutskever". Retrieved 14 August 2022.
    Simonite, Tom (2015年8月18日). "Ilya Sutskever". 检索于 14 August 2022.
  5. ^ "Heard It Through the AI | University of Toronto Magazine". University of Toronto Magazine. 28 September 2022. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
    "通过AI听说 | 多伦多大学杂志"。多伦多大学杂志。2022年9月28日。检索于 9 October 2022年。
  6. ^ Jump up to: a b "Season 1 Ep. 22 Ilya Sutskever". The Robot Brains Podcast. 21 September 2021. Retrieved 14 August 2022 – via YouTube.
    "第一季第22集 Ilya Sutskever"。机器人大脑播客。2021年9月21日。通过YouTube检索于 14 August 2022年。
  7. ^ Metz, Cade (19 April 2018). "A.I. Researchers Are Making More Than $1 Million, Even at a Nonprofit". The New York Times. Retrieved 22 October 2018.
    Metz, Cade (2018年4月19日). "即使在非盈利机构,AI研究员也能赚到超过一百万美元". 纽约时报. 检索于 22 October 2018.
  8. ^ Alex Krizhevsky; Ilya Sutskever; Geoffrey E. Hinton (24 May 2017). "ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks". Communications of the ACM. 60 (6): 84–90. doi:10.1145/3065386. ISSN 0001-0782. Wikidata Q59445836.
    Alex Krizhevsky; Ilya Sutskever; Geoffrey E. Hinton (2017年5月24日). "使用深度卷积神经网络进行ImageNet分类". ACM通讯. 60 (6): 84–90. doi: 10.1145/3065386. ISSN 0001-0782. Wikidata Q59445836.
  9. ^ David Silver; Aja Huang; Chris J. Maddison; et al. (27 January 2016). "Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search". Nature. 529 (7587): 484–489. doi:10.1038/NATURE16961. ISSN 1476-4687. PMID 26819042. Wikidata Q28005460.
    David Silver; Aja Huang; Chris J. Maddison; 等. (2016年1月27日). "深度神经网络和树搜索掌握围棋游戏". 自然. 529 (7587): 484–489. doi: 10.1038/NATURE16961. ISSN 1476-4687. PMID 26819042. Wikidata Q28005460.
  10. ^ מן, יובל (18 November 2022). ""הבינה המלאכותית מהמדע הבדיוני תהפוך למציאות"". Ynet (in Hebrew). Retrieved 18 April 2023.
    מן, יובל (2022年11月18日). ""人工智能将从科幻变为现实"". Ynet (希伯来语). 检索 18 April 2023.
  11. ^ Ansari, Tasmia (7 March 2023). "The Brain That Supercharged ChatGPT, ImageNet and TF". Analytics India Magazine. Retrieved 14 March 2023.
    Ansari, Tasmia (2023年3月7日)。"超级驱动ChatGPT、ImageNet和TF的大脑"。Analytics India Magazine。检索于 14 March 2023。
  12. ^ Jump up to: a b "Neural networking". The Varsity. 25 October 2010. Retrieved 14 August 2022.
    "神经网络"。《The Varsity》。2010年10月25日。检索于 14 August 2022。
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b Johnston, Jessica Leigh (8 December 2010). "A Neural Network for a New Millennium". University of Toronto Magazine. Retrieved 14 August 2022.
    Johnston, Jessica Leigh(2010年12月8日)。"新千年的神经网络"。《多伦多大学杂志》。检索于 14 August 2022。
  14. ^ Ilya Sutskever on LinkedIn
  15. ^ Sutskever, Ilya (2007). Nonlinear multilayered sequence models. (MSc thesis). University of Toronto. hdl:1807/119676. OCLC 234120052.
  16. ^ "RAM Workshop". Retrieved 14 August 2022.
  17. ^ "Episode 85: A Conversation with Ilya Sutskever". Voices in AI. Gigaom. Retrieved 14 August 2022.
  18. ^ "Exclusive: Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's chief scientist, on his hopes and fears for the future of AI". MIT Technology Review. Retrieved 1 November 2023.
  19. ^ McMillan, Robert (13 March 2013). "Google Hires Brains that Helped Supercharge Machine Learning". Retrieved 9 November 2019.
  20. ^ Jump up to: a b Anon (2022). "Ilya Sutskever". London: Royal Society. Retrieved 12 May 2022.
  21. ^ Martín Abadi; Ashish Agarwal; Paul Barham; et al. (16 March 2016), TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems (PDF), arXiv:1603.04467, Wikidata Q29040034
  22. ^ "OpenAI Blog". 12 December 2015. Archived from the original on 6 October 2021. Retrieved 17 July 2016.
  23. ^
  24. ^ Metz, Cade (27 April 2016). "Inside OpenAI, Elon Musk's Wild Plan to Set Artificial Intelligence Free". Retrieved 9 November 2019.
  25. ^ "Introducing Superalignment". Retrieved 14 July 2023.
  26. ^ "35 Innovators Under 35: Ilya Sutskever".
  27. ^ Martin, Scott (15 September 2018). "Reinforcement Learning 'Really Works' for AI Against Pro Gamers, OpenAI Trailblazer Says". Nvidia Blog. Nvidia. Retrieved 28 March 2023.
  28. ^ "The man who revolutionized computer vision, machine translation, games and robotics · AI Frontiers Conference". Retrieved 16 June 2023.
  29. ^
  30. ^
  31. ^ Jump up to: a b
  32. ^
  33. ^ Thompson, Polly. "3 senior OpenAI researchers resign in the wake of Sam Altman's shock dismissal as CEO, report says". Business Insider. Retrieved 18 November 2023.