Pairing Excel with ChatGPT is a game-changer. πŸš€

Data processing just got a whole lot easier. ✨

I'll walk you through the magic of AI in Excel without the need to input a single formula.πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ #Excel #ChatGPT

1️⃣ Setting Up ChatGPT for Excel Macros πŸ› οΈ

Aim: Let ChatGPT write your Excel macros, no more manual formula typing.

Speak to Excel in your own words, and let the AI do the rest.

2️⃣Prompt structure stays simple:

πŸ‘‰ β€œWrite an Excel VBA macro to [goal]. My data starts at line X up to line X (counting the headers) lines in the following order:
[Paste your headers]
The name of the sheet is [name].”

and here is an example next :

#ChatGPT #ExcelAutomation

β€œWrite an Excel VBA macro to sort adults by increasing age and create a bar chart: age vs workclass. My data starts at line 2 up to line 135 (counting the headers) in the following order:
age workclass education occupation relationship sex income
The name of the sheet is adults”

3️⃣Run the Macro on Excel

β†’ Activate Excel's Developer tab
β†’ click Macros
β†’ name it
β†’ paste ChatGPT's VBA and hit play.

Your tasks are done instantly!

4️⃣Tip to save time with Windows Copilot:

Stay in Excel, use the same ChatGPT prompt, and directly insert the VBA from Copilot into macros.

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Pairing Excel with ChatGPT is a game-changer. πŸš€

Data processing just got a whole lot easier. ✨

I'll walk you through the magic of AI in Excel without the need to input a single formula.πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ #Excel #ChatGPT