I distilled my 4 years of marketing lessons into minimalistic visuals.

1. Sell Benefits. Not features.

2. Marketing is not about which product you sell.
Marketing is about which story you tell.

3. What do you think you need to create content
what do you actually need to create content

4. 99 Reels vs 100th Reel

5. Selling to everybody creates no community.
Selling to one avatar creates a strong community.

6. Your product should complete your customer’s life.

7. Good hook with average content goes viral
Average hook with good content flops.

8. Word of mouth is the best form of marketing. It spreads like fire.

9. Don’t confuse your customers with too many options.

10. Product evolution with feedback.
Product evolution without feedback.

That's it!

Thank you so much for reading.

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