Nobel Prize Awarded to mRNA Vaccine Scientists

By Yasemin Saplakoglu

October 2, 2023

Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman have been awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discoveries leading to mRNA vaccines, such as those that protect against Covid-19.

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The Nobel Committee has awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman for their pioneering work in the development of mRNA vaccine technology, which made possible a timely vaccine response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus are credited with helping to curb the spread of the pandemic and with saving between 14.4 million and 19.8 million lives in just the first year of their use; mRNA vaccines played a major role in that accomplishment.
诺贝尔委员会已将2023年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予Katalin Karikó和Drew Weissman,以表彰他们在mRNA疫苗技术开发方面的开创性工作,这使得对Covid-19大流行的及时疫苗反应成为可能。针对SARS-CoV-2病毒的疫苗被认为有助于遏制大流行病的传播,并在其使用的第一年就挽救了大约1440万至1980万的生命;mRNA疫苗在这一成就中发挥了重要作用。

For decades, scientists from around the world pursued the use of mRNA (messenger RNA) in medicine. Cells naturally use mRNA, based on genetic DNA, as instructions for making proteins. Researchers aimed to develop tools to create novel mRNA sequences — ones that code for viral proteins, for example — in the lab, and then introduce those mRNA molecules into cells. The cells would then translate these mRNA sequences into viral proteins, thereby alerting the immune system so it would mount a defense against the virus. In effect, the mRNA vaccine turns cells into factories for viral proteins as a strategy for fighting off viral attackers.
几十年来,来自世界各地的科学家一直在追求将mRNA(信使RNA)应用于医学。细胞自然地使用基于遗传DNA的mRNA作为制造蛋白质的指令。研究人员旨在开发工具来在实验室中创建新的mRNA序列 - 例如编码病毒蛋白的序列,然后将这些mRNA分子引入到细胞中。然后,细胞会将这些mRNA序列翻译成病毒蛋白,从而警告免疫系统以便它对抗病毒。实际上,mRNA疫苗将细胞转变为病毒蛋白的工厂,作为抵抗病毒攻击的策略。

However, the first attempts to use mRNA to produce an immune response failed because cells too readily recognized the introduced mRNA molecules as invaders and destroyed them.

In 2005, while working together at the University of Pennsylvania, Karikó and Weissman discovered a way to slightly tweak the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA molecules so that they could sneak past cellular immune surveillance and avoid kicking up a massive inflammatory response. They went on to show in 2008 and 2010 that modified mRNA molecules could produce high levels of proteins. These breakthroughs made mRNA technology usable for creating safe and effective vaccines.

Within 15 years, the methods were proved on the global stage. By early 2021, barely a year after the Covid-19 pandemic first erupted around the world, multiple pharmaceutical companies had used Karikó and Weissman’s mRNA tools to roll out vaccines against the virus. The pandemic served as a proof of concept for the vaccines, and their success helped pull the world out of the pandemic’s deadliest phase.

Karikó and Weissman’s discoveries “fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system and had a major impact on our society during the recent Covid-19 pandemic,” said Rickard Sandberg, a member of the Nobel Committee, during this morning’s announcement. Vaccines, both of the conventional and mRNA varieties, “have saved millions of lives, prevented severe Covid-19, reduced the overall disease burden and enabled societies to open up again.”
Karikó和Weissman的发现“从根本上改变了我们对mRNA如何与我们的免疫系统交互的理解,并在最近的Covid-19大流行期间对我们的社会产生了重大影响,”诺贝尔委员会成员Rickard Sandberg在今天早上的公告中说。无论是传统的还是mRNA的疫苗,“都挽救了数百万人的生命,防止了严重的Covid-19,减轻了总体疾病负担,并使社会得以再次开放。”

What is mRNA?什么是mRNA?

Messenger RNA is a single strand of genetic code that the cell uses as instructions to make proteins. These mRNA molecules are native to cells and are key parts of everyday cellular functions: They are the messengers that carry transcribed DNA sequences out of the protected nucleus and into the cell cytoplasm, where they can be translated into proteins by the organelles called ribosomes. A ribosome reads the strand, translating groupings of genetic letters into sequences of amino acids. The long string of amino acids that results then folds into the appropriate protein.

How do mRNA Covid-19 vaccines work?
mRNA Covid-19疫苗是如何工作的?

Scientists have learned to write mRNA code to form novel proteins — including proteins that can help cells recognize viruses they’ve never seen. The mRNA technology developed by the Nobel Prize winners borrows the cells’ protein-making machinery, inducing cells to produce viral proteins that prime the immune system to recognize a given virus if they encounter it later.
科学家已经学会编写mRNA代码以形成新的蛋白质 - 包括可以帮助细胞识别他们从未见过的病毒的蛋白质。由诺贝尔奖获得者开发的mRNA技术借用了细胞的蛋白质制造机器,诱导细胞产生病毒蛋白,以便在以后遇到特定病毒时,免疫系统能够识别它。

When smuggled into cells inside lipid nanoparticle capsules, the mRNA elements deliver the recipe for making the SARS-CoV-2 “spike” protein, which is found on the outside surface of the virus. Cells then use those instructions to produce the spike protein as if they had been infected by the real virus. It’s like an immunity practice round: The mRNA primes the immune system to recognize an actual SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, so that if a person is later exposed to the virus, the immune system will quickly “remember” how to kick up a response to fight it.

Merrill Sherman/ Quanta Magazine 梅里尔·舍曼/量子杂志

What was the breakthrough that led to the success of the vaccines?

In the early 2000s, a major obstacle to the mRNA technology was that it triggered a major inflammatory response in cells. Cells recognized the introduced mRNA as foreign material and tried to get rid of it, putting cellular defense systems into overdrive. After realizing that cells often modify their own native mRNA, Karikó and Weissman decided to see what would happen if they also slightly tweaked the genetic code of the mRNA they were introducing.

In a breakthrough discovery published in 2005, they reported that the inflammatory response had all but disappeared. In the years that followed, they showed that such tweaks could also greatly increase the number of proteins that the cells could make based on the mRNA sequence.

Were mRNA vaccines used to fight illnesses before the pandemic?

A number of companies and researchers tested the promise of mRNA vaccines prior to the pandemic to fight viruses such as Zika and MERS-CoV, which is similar to SARS-CoV-2. But none of the vaccines had been approved for public use as of 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic erupted. The successful deployment of mRNA vaccines during the pandemic proved the concept of the technology and became a springboard for encouraging its use to prevent or treat other ailments.

What are the benefits of mRNA vaccines over more traditional ones?

The promise of mRNA vaccines is that they can be developed easily and quickly. It typically takes more time — on the timescale of years — for scientists to create and test traditional vaccines, which are often a weakened or denatured version of a real virus. And even after a traditional vaccine is developed, scientists must clear a second hurdle — learning how to grow large volumes of virus or protein in the lab — before they can produce the vaccine on the mass scale required to immunize millions or billions of people.

In 2020, as soon as researchers published the structure and genetic code of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, researchers got to work. Within several months, the pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna had used mRNA technology to develop vaccines that immunized against the virus. They were able to rapidly mass-produce mRNA vaccine, lead clinical trials to prove that the vaccines were safe and effective, and then administer the first jabs to the public by spring 2021. This was possible because mRNA tools can be used to generate a wide variety of proteins without the need to cultivate new methods for growing viruses at a mass scale.

How will mRNA vaccines be used now?

As Sandberg noted in his remarks at the Nobel Prize announcement, “The successful mRNA vaccines against Covid-19 have had a tremendous impact on the interest in mRNA-based technologies.” mRNA technologies are now being used to develop therapeutic protein delivery systems and cancer treatments, as well as vaccines against other infectious diseases.
正如桑德伯格在诺贝尔奖公告中的发言所指出的,“针对Covid-19的成功的mRNA疫苗对mRNA基础技术的关注产生了巨大的影响。” mRNA技术现在被用来开发治疗性蛋白质输送系统和癌症治疗方法,以及针对其他传染病的疫苗。