
After being forgotten by the world for a long time, the image of Kong Yiji, created by Lu Xun, suddenly came back to life.


At first glance, he still appeared to be the poor scholar who had read books but lived a tragic life. However, after being personally criticized by the central media for being "unable to come down from the high platform" and "unable to take off the long robe," its connotation has changed significantly - everyone knows that this is not about Kong Yiji, but rather the current dilemma faced by recent college graduates. The criticism of Kong Yiji is nothing more than to say: "The reason you are in such a difficult situation is because you cannot put down your own identity."


Obviously, this evades criticism of structural problems and instead blames individuals for not working hard enough, for not being willing to lower their conditions. Its implicit meaning can be summed up as "Don't blame society for bad luck, don't blame the government for misfortune, blame only yourself".


Speaking of these things, a friend said with emotion: "When we were young, we were forced to cross a single-plank bridge amidst a thousand horses and ten thousand soldiers, and we wished to study only the Confucian classics with all our heart. But when we grow up, we are required to make Kong Yiji take off his long gown." When the situation changes greatly, it seems that nothing else needs to be changed, as long as you can be flexible and adaptable. Chinese people have really strong plasticity.

一如当下国内的很多现象,这既像是一种保守取向的回应,又像是一种后现代的态度:一切都是你自己造成的,你得为所有过错负全责,压力已经从外部转移到了内部。借用法兰克福学派学者Volkmar Sigusch的话说,在那样的处境下,人不能表现出无助,出现什么问题,“超级现代人会认为是自己的错,而不会去怪罪体制。”

Like many phenomena in China today, this is both a conservative response and a postmodern attitude: Everything is caused by yourself, and you are fully responsible for all mistakes. Pressure has shifted from external to internal. In the words of Frankfurt School scholar Volkmar Sigusch, in such a situation, one cannot appear helpless. Whenever an issue arises, "super-modern people will think it's their own fault, rather than blaming the system."


However, this should have had a necessary premise, which is the formation of modern self - individuals not only can recognize and perceive their independence and integrity, but also can act freely and autonomously. Based on this, they should be responsible for the consequences of their actions. The problem now is that you have not been given this right, but you are responsible for structural difficulties that are not entirely of your own making.


If this sounds abstract, let me put it this way: Is the reason why current college graduates cannot find jobs because they are arrogant and care about their image? If all they had to do was swallow their pride and sell things on the street to live a good life, then young people today would not care.


Despite the fact that many bloggers on social media have posted "How happy Kong Yiji's life is after taking off his long gown," it is not to be said that the income of flexible employment is unstable (the United States and Japan have long proved that flexible employment leads to an increase in poverty rate among young people). If done well, besides a few lucky ones, it is definitely a hard mode to start. To describe such a difficult transformation as simply "taking off the long robe" is already a departure from reality.


Looking back, why did Lu Xun create a character like Kong Yiji? Was it simply to mock educated people for not being humble? Of course not.


The long robe is not just a useless "ostentation" but also the dignity of Kong Yiji. The "long robe guests" with status at the Xianheng Hotel can sit down and slowly drink their wine, while the common people ("short clothes gang") have to stand and drink. Kong Yiji, on the other hand, is the "only person standing and wearing a long robe while drinking". This points out his embarrassing situation: he has the status of a "scholar" but has to mix with the lower class people.


The reason why people mock Kong Yiji is not only because of his character, but primarily because he does not fit in with his social status. In fact, as Lu Xun made clear, although he is often ridiculed for various shortcomings, Kong Yiji's "character is better than others', and he never owes anyone anything."


The unspoken implication behind the spectators' laughter was, "You claim to be an intellectual, yet you are associating with us." My mother had a similar experience when she went to the countryside. A remark left her unsettled for a long time: "So what if you're a third-year middle school student? You may know a little, but you still have to work in the fields like us."


The problem lies in this: even if he takes off his long robe, it cannot protect Kong Yiji from being ridiculed. Because even if he does the same work as us, he still cannot blend in – "doing the same work as us" proves his destitution, which, of course, is worth mocking. But even if you really want to be like us, everyone knows "you are still not the same as us". In other words, the "Short Coat Gang" is a club that Kong Yiji cannot join.


The long gown was not just Kong Yiji's face, but also his "gentlemanly quality" that helped him find shelter and support. However, after losing this self-respect, he couldn't even earn a "personal quality" in the eyes of those onlookers. Even a hotel server did not respect him, and no one cared about his life or death. He seemed to be an invisible and insignificant human being.


At first glance, Lu Xun appears to be criticizing Kong Yiji, but in my view, what he is actually criticizing is the onlookers - no one could empathize with Kong Yiji's situation, only distance, indifference, and ridicule, including the "I" in the novel. Here, he uses a cold and restrained writing style to present a terrifyingly realistic scene of a fragmented society: a lack of connection between people, and individuals who are completely indifferent to the life and death of others.


Characters like Kong Yiji, Xiang Linsao, and Ah Q have existed in Chinese society for thousands of years, but no one had really written about them until Lu Xun shed a light on their lives. It was only then that their living conditions were "seen." What made Lu Xun truly remarkable was how he transformed the unconscious existence that the Chinese people had long taken for granted into a shocking object of reflection.


This is a theme that repeatedly appears in Lu Xun's works. After the famous "Lantern Slide Incident," Lu Xun realized that the foremost prerequisite for transforming Chinese society is to criticize those "onlookers" who are numb to their fellow countrymen's suffering and to awaken people's empathy, because this kind of empathy is the basis for creating connections and promoting actions.


In 1926, in the article "In Memory of Mr. Liu Hezhen," he sorrowfully stated:


A limited number of lives in China are insignificant, at most serving as fodder for idle people to chat about after dinner or enabling malicious idle people to spread rumors.


For Lu Xun, this was a great tragedy: not to mention dignity, human existence itself was "worth nothing," and the heart-wrenching pain was just a topic of conversation for onlookers. Qian Liqun insightfully understood why Lu Xun was so concerned about this in "Spectators in the Game Country."


The entire China is like a "big playground, big theater", where all true thoughts and talks once they fall into it, become "performances" for the audience's appreciation. The phenomenon of the "audience" that Lu Xun repeatedly depicted in his novels is a national "acting" and "watching" of the play.


This kind of nationwide performance is an extremely terrifying force of disintegration: the real pain of the lower-class people (such as Xiang Lin Sao and Kong Yiji), the sincere efforts and noble sacrifices of reformers and spiritual warriors (such as Xia Yu), who have ideals and pursuits, all become a laughing stock in the process of being "watched."


Of course, what Lu Xun sought was not just to have these small characters win cheap sympathy. At least, he never concealed their weaknesses and flaws in his almost sympathetic empathy for them. That's Lu Xun: he presents the real national character, but he does not refuse to give sympathy as a result. They are all human beings.


However, in recent years, the understanding of the characters in Lu Xun's works has taken on a markedly different meaning. The so-called "a pitiful person must have something hateful about them" originally referred to the character of Ah Q, which involved empathy and criticism. But now, this phrase is usually interpreted as focusing on "hatefulness" - "Although that person appears pitiful, there must be something hateful about them." This inhibits empathy towards others and is closer to the idea of "the victim is to blame."


A friend told me that the sentence he most detests is "A pitiable person must have some fault," because one of his high school teachers often used this sentence to refuse to defend others with sympathy. There is an absolute moral view behind this: "Only those without any fault are worthy of sympathy." However, not to mention that such people may not exist, it also means setting a very high threshold for "sympathy," which completely contradicts Lu Xun's original intention.


Similarly, Xiang Lin Sao was originally a woman who suffered a tragic fate. People around her only cared superficially for her and could not sympathize deeply. But now, "Xiang Lin Sao" is usually used to mock those who are garrulous and complaining, rather than causing people to feel respectful and distant.


As for the "human blood buns" in the book "Medicine", it originally portrayed the martyrs' sacrifice in a bloody way, which failed to touch the ignorant nationals. However, in recent years, this term has often been used to obstruct further investigation. Whenever a brutal public incident occurs, if you speak out and pay attention, you may be labeled with this hat, as if only keeping silent and letting the matter pass is considered respect for the deceased and their families.


Lu Xun has already been betrayed. Various misunderstandings like this indicate that a distance has arisen between the people and Lu Xun, with a bottomless chasm separating them. Although Lu Xun's classics may appear to be still alive, they have been reinterpreted to meet the needs of a completely new society.


In a sense, Lu Xun's works have gained a "canonical" status, and any development of society indeed requires a new interpretation of classics in order to "suit the present" and deepen understanding in creative practicality. However, this progress should not be used to defend reality by relying on Lu Xun, but rather by opening up new possibilities through reinterpreting his works.


With the rapid update of Chinese ideological trends, it is not surprising that different generations have different interpretations. There is even a lot of debate about whether there is an "original intent" of Lu Xun. However, if contemporary interpretations of Lu Xun actually end up on the side he once criticized, is this misunderstanding not a tragedy?

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