Join 📚 小卡的阅读片段
A batch of the best highlights from what Jiean Yang's read, .
Programming is fascinating because it not only satisfies our inner desire to create but also pleases the inner emotions of everyone.
1. The pure joy of creating things.
2. Developing something useful for others.
3. Combining different components to achieve goals, demonstrating magical power.
4. The pleasure of learning.
5. The programmer's development work is based on computer systems, which are easy to manipulate and implement pure thinking from the programmer's work into programs.
When asked to disclose 2024 spending and then to predict spending one year and five years out, we witness five-year projections that are, on average, 66% higher than current levels and one-year projections that are, on average, 21% higher than current levels.
Why Marketers Are Spending Less on Social Media
Christine Moorman
On the surface, the benefits seem obvious — enhanced customer satisfaction, reduced costs, 24/7 service and more.
A Toolkit to Help You Manage Uncertainty Around AI
Harvard Business Review
...catch up on these, and many more highlights