Join 📚 Swapnil's Highlights

A batch of the best highlights from what Swapnil's read, .

Don’t take yourself so seriously. You’re just a monkey with a plan.

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant

Eric Jorgenson

Walt Disney's Rule: • If struggling to think clearly about a subject, draw it out. Here's Walt Disney's drawing he made in 1957 of the Media Empire he wanted to build. It's iconic. ![](

THREAD: 15 of the Most U...

@george__mack on Twitter

Admitting your struggles and asking for help is the opposite of weakness—in fact, it shows courage and self-awareness. You are saying that you care more about getting yourself to a good place than you do about your ego.

The Making of a Manager

Julie Zhuo

...catch up on these, and many more highlights