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A batch of the best highlights from what Siddish's read, .
5. Be reliable. Unreliability can cancel out the other virtues.

Tweets from FS
@farnamstreet on Twitter
40. how you conduct yourself in crises will define you much more than 95% of everything else you do, so it’s worth mentally rehearsing them. be the person that people can count on when shit hits the fan
Can’t Sleep, Time to Do...
@visakanv on Twitter
I've learned a lot in my current role by watching business colleagues pitch a compelling vision that spans years, using the design work as a touchstone. We didn't have to prove that we knew what the whole thing would look like in the end - just that the first thing was right.

Tweets From Pavel A. Samsonov
@PavelASamsonov on Twitter
...catch up on these, and many more highlights