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A batch of the best highlights from what Siddish's read, .

Naval: If you want to be creative, you have to be in either a very small organization or you have to be ruthless. You have to be downright rude about protecting your time so you can do solitary or pairwise work.

A Distillation of What @...

@jmikolay on Twitter

"Make natural selection work inside you, not on you." One of my favorite quotes from [DellAnnaLuca]( ![](

Tweets From Tyler Cho

@TheTylerCho on Twitter

10. Proteus Effect: In virtual spaces, people become like their avatars. For instance, using a "sexy" avatar tends to make a person more flirtatious. This suggests people's personalities are largely a performance choreographed to social expectations.

My Friends, a New MEGATH...

@G_S_Bhogal on Twitter

...catch up on these, and many more highlights