Join 📚 Rasul's Highlights

A batch of the best highlights from what Rasul's read, .

These parents swear that their child’s not capable or is just a bad sleeper. But when we craft a sleep plan together (as we’ll do in this book), within a week or two their baby is sleeping eleven hours straight, their toddler is taking a beautiful 2-hour nap in her crib, or their child is kissing them good night, grabbing his stuffed animal, rolling over, and falling asleep on his own.

The Happy Sleeper

Heather Turgeon MFT;Julie Wright Mft

Change is always harder than it looks—that’s a physical reality, not just an aphorism. An old, ingrained habit makes the equivalent of a neural highway in your brain. These old habits don’t go away. You can make new neural highways alongside, going a different route and making shortcuts, but the old highways remain. They are always there for you to revert to—to fall back on. Practice may not make perfect, but it sure makes permanent. Practice makes permanent.

Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

Andy Hunt

Share the profit with employees. Get the incentives aligned. Everyone should get a slice of the upside. When the business wins, we all win.

How I Run My Business 2...

@JamesClear on Twitter

...catch up on these, and many more highlights