Join 📚 Rasul's Highlights

A batch of the best highlights from what Rasul's read, .

You could meditate until you’re blue in the face, but it won’t work, if, when it comes down to it, you’d rather masturbate, read the newspaper, or watch TV than cut through your addictions, discipline your daily life, and give your gift from your deepest, most blissful source.

The Way of the Superior Man

David Deida

Reduce the scale, not your standards. Aspire to do exceptional work and apply that standard to everything. Book. Article. Tweet. Doesn't matter the size. In the long run, your brand is the quality of work you do. Sacrifice quality⁠—anywhere⁠—and you sacrifice the brand.

How I Run My Business 2...

@JamesClear on Twitter

What does the word Buddha mean?

No-Nonsense Buddhism for Beginners

Noah Rasheta

...catch up on these, and many more highlights