Join Platy’S Readwise Highlights

A batch of the best highlights from what Platy's read, .

You can decide what types of mail you do and don’t want from marketers. Register at the Direct Marketing Association's (DMA) consumer website, and choose what catalogs, magazine offers, and other mail you want to get. You’ll have to pay a $2 processing fee, and your registration will last for 10 years.

How to Stop Junk Mail

We could just ask you how much you would pay for iA Presenter. You’d probably want the lowest possible price. Just as we would like to charge the highest price possible. So what we do instead is tell you how pricing works. Then you tell us what numbers you’d come up with.

How Much Would You Charge for iA Presenter?

The coolhunters each had their own way of finding hits. Every morning, Harper scoured a list she’d assembled of blogs and internet arcana, searching for interesting videos. When she found ones worth putting on the homepage, she would add them to YouTube’s “Featured Videos” banner, which stacked small frames of videos in a column of 10. Her team swapped these slots every four hours, giving YouTubers behind the videos they selected a guaranteed cascade of views.

Just a Few People Crowned Some of YouTube’s Earliest Hits

Mark Bergen

...catch up on these, and many more highlights