Join 📚 Entre Leituras - Marcelo Ribeiro

A batch of the best highlights from what Marcelo's read, .

If I have incrementally shifted from translation as a peculiar form of authorized plagiarism to plagiarism as one of many effective tactics aimed at radical deownership, it is because I think this shift itself points to an increasingly fraught condition of confusion over what is “yours,” “ours,” and “mine” in contemporary culture.

Against World Literature

Emily Apter

Durante muito tempo, os filmes africanos dependiam, em boa parte, da ajuda financeira externa, o que levou a uma cinematografia em sintonia com os filmes de arte ocidentais, que não eram necessariamente bem recebidos pelas massas africanas. O vídeo é uma resposta econômica a um desejo por imagens que sejam compreensíveis ao grande público.

A explosão da videoeconomia: o caso da Nigéria

Françoise Balogun

Well, I suppose then, my uncle taught me to hang on to the world from the arms of books, or words at any rate. To be alert to translation even as your feet dance. Even if “Stardust” is playing, or “Via Con Dios, My Darling,” one must be alert to questions of meaning that may be lying in ambush or bearing down on you, or lurking in the soft recesses of the livingroom like your beautiful schoolteacher uncle. To read is to traverse the limnal space between laughter and spelling, between syntax and dancing.

A Map to the Door of No Return: Notes on Belonging

Dionne Brand

...catch up on these, and many more highlights