Join 📚 Lukas' Reading Highlights

A batch of the best highlights from what Lukas's read, .

If you want to turn people into passionate partners for your cause, you shouldn’t focus on creating yet another slide show laden with statistics that validate your arguments (though, as we’ll discuss, a strong case for support is an essential tool in the fund-raiser’s kit). Instead you need to focus on providing a promise of partnership and personal growth, along with an avenue for achieving them.

The Generosity Network

Jennifer McCrea, Jeffrey C. Walker, and Karl Weber

More entrepreneurs appear when there is a new problem to be solved, a new technology to be exploited, or a new need in the marketplace. These are the situations in which innovation is welcomed and motivated entrepreneurs are rewarded.

Breakthrough Branding

Catherine Kaputa

M-time cultures view time as tangible and concrete: “We speak of time as being saved, spent, wasted, lost, made up, crawling, killing and running out. These metaphors must be taken seriously. M-time scheduling is used as a classification system that orders life. These rules apply to everything except death.”

The Culture Map

Erin Meyer

...catch up on these, and many more highlights