Join 📚 Josh Beckman's Highlights

A batch of the best highlights from what Josh's read, .

Jacqui Brown asked me what would have happened if, in 1990, the UAW had gone on strike against the auto companies. What if, she wondered, the unions had gone on strike, not over wages or work rules but because the car companies weren’t being innovative enough? What if they had walked out not over a contract dispute but because the industry refused to challenge the status quo and reinvent itself?


Seth Godin

Bakker introduced me to the term **biophony** to refer to sounds of living organisms, and **geophony** to refer to (as I understand it) natural but non-animal sounds, like waves crashing on a beach or wind in the trees.

Sound Tracking

Rob Walker Art of Noticing

For the last five hundred years, the best way to succeed has been to treat everyone as a stranger you could do business with.


Seth Godin

...catch up on these, and many more highlights