Join 📚 Josh Beckman's Highlights

A batch of the best highlights from what Josh's read, .

We all bring cognitive biases. The explicit ones we love to cast as “experience,” and the implicit ones go unacknowledged.

Good Decision-Making Is Good Process

Ilya Grigorik

Past/Future Preoccupation → Present Moment Contact Past/Future preoccupation is a type of fusion that describes what happens when we get lost in our thoughts about the past or future, and we lose contact with what is happening right now, in the present.

How to Do Hard Things

Casey Rosengren

I think informatics is a much better word to use, right? Computer Science - there are only two things wrong with it: the word computer and the word science, right? Because it's not about just the computer - it's about patterns of information. And you don't put science in your name if you're a real science.

"Propositions as Types" by Philip Wadler

Strange Loop Conference

...catch up on these, and many more highlights