Join 📚 James's Highlights

A batch of the best highlights from what Jimmy's read, .

One could argue that using pkgdown is a way to improve your R package documentation for very little effort. If you only tweak one thing, please introduce grouping in the reference page.

Workflow automation tools for package developers

Maëlle Salmon

The results of an analysis are shown and discussed in a markup fle that is used to create a PDF document. Researchers often do not explicitly document the relationships between fles that they used in their research. For example, the results of an analysis–a table or fgure–may be copied and pasted into a presentation document. It can be very diÿcult for future researchers to trace the table or fgure back to a particular statistical model and a particular data set without clear documentation. Therefore, it is important to make the links between your fles explicit.

Reproducible Research With R and RStudio

Christopher Gandrud

goodpractice and lintr both provide you with useful static analyses of your package.

Workflow automation tools for package developers

Maëlle Salmon

...catch up on these, and many more highlights