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A batch of the best highlights from what Felicity's read, .
I would argue, however, that everything can be measurable in some way — just not quantitatively. Quantitative measurement flattens the object of measurement down to simplistic dimensions. EPS measures profitability — but in a simplistic way. NPS measures customer satisfaction — but in a simplistic way. The business world has accepted this imperative for simplistic evaluation because of its obsession with measurement. But it produces a very low-resolution understanding of the thing in question.
Measuring, Managing & Mattering
Roger Martin
Bad strategy flourishes because it floats above analysis, logic, and choice, held aloft by the hot hope that one can avoid dealing with these tricky fundamentals and the difficulties of mastering them.
Good Strategy/Bad Strategy
Richard Rumelt
One of the questions was “What kind of market research would you conduct if you were in the entrepreneur’s shoes?” In response, one of Sarasvathy’s entrepreneurs, trying to be cooperative, began to speculate gamely on the research that he might undertake. Then, in the middle of his answer, he abruptly stopped and reversed course. “I wouldn’t do all this research, actually,” he said. “I’d just go sell it. I don’t believe in market research. Somebody once told me that the only thing you need is a customer. Instead of asking all the questions, I’d try and make some sales.”
Chip Heath and Dan Heath
...catch up on these, and many more highlights