Join 📚 Christian Champ's Highlights
A batch of the best highlights from what Christian's read, .
You can keep a diary of all your activities for a few weeks and then measure how productive each activity was. How much in revenue did it generate, for instance? By measuring your activities, you can help whittle down that 100 percent of work to the most efficient 20 percent.
Skip the Line
James Altucher
liked to show people paintings by Salvador Dalí and pictures of Jesus or to ask them to study the facets of a diamond he carried. One patient he treated in Vancouver, an alcoholic paralyzed by social anxiety, recalled Hubbard handing him a bouquet of roses during an LSD session: “He said, ‘Now hate them.’ They withered and the petals fell off, and I started to cry. Then he said, ‘Love them,’ and they came back brighter and even more spectacular than before. That meant a lot to me. I realized that you can make your relationships anything you want. The trouble I was having with people was coming from me.”
How to Change Your Mind
Michael Pollan
This performance benefit emerges from a number of different places, but for starters, let’s return to where we began: enhanced decision making. Since flow is a fluid action state, making better decisions isn’t enough: we also have to act on those decisions. The problem is fear, which stands between us and all actions. Yet our fears are grounded in self, time, and space. With our sense of self out of the way we are liberated from doubt and insecurity. With time gone, there is no yesterday to regret or tomorrow to worry about. And when our sense of space disappears, so do physical consequences. But when all three vanish at once, something far more incredible occurs: our fear of death—that most fundamental of all fears—can no longer exist. Simply put: if you’re infinite and atemporal, you cannot die.
The Rise of Superman
Steven Kotler
...catch up on these, and many more highlights