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A batch of the best highlights from what Stanley's read, .

Moreover, questions of how much student data should be shared with individual learners and whether that data should be offered in comparative views for motivational purposes continue to be debated. The increasing use of learning analytics “dashboards,” such as the My Learning Analytics dashboard from the University of Michigan, can offer the ability for instructors and students to view data about teaching and learning through visualizations that offer the possibility of seeing and interpreting patterns.

2021 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report


When I hire a personal assistant, what will I ask him or her to do for me?

Become Your Own Personal Assistant

Dana Byers

Placing something on a shelf or hanger creates a pathway for you to recall the information in the future. Therefore, the act of curation forces your brain to create neural connections to specifically defined shelves in your brain.

Professional Learning in the Digital Age

Kristen Swanson

...catch up on these, and many more highlights