Join 📚 J'S Highlights

A batch of the best highlights from what J's read, .

The real end of the world is going to take a long time. We’re talking decades, not a few days or weeks. Our primate brains can’t quite grasp it. They were built to deal with immediate threats like a lion chasing us across the field. Escape the lion, and you’re good.

I Can’t Stop Thinking About the End of the World — and Old Soda Cans

Jessica Wildfire

Let me sing to you now, about how people turn into other things.

The Overstory

Richard Powers

Following up on the *The New York Times* lawsuit, our results suggest that generative AI systems may regularly produce plagiaristic outputs, both written and visual, without transparency or compensation, in ways that put undue burdens on users and content creators. We believe that the potential for litigation may be vast, and that the foundations of the entire enterprise may be built on ethically shaky ground.

Generative AI Has a Visual Plagiarism Problem

Gary Marcus

...catch up on these, and many more highlights